Docker images for PowerDNS
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2016-09-03 00:09:21 +02:00
pdns First commit 2016-09-02 22:48:20 +02:00
pdns-admin First commit 2016-09-02 22:48:20 +02:00
ansible-playbook.yml First commit 2016-09-02 22:48:20 +02:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2016-09-02 22:45:12 +02:00 Document pdns-mysql 2016-09-03 00:09:21 +02:00

PowerDNS Docker Images

This repository contains two Docker images - pdns-mysql and pdns-admin. Image pdns-mysql contains completely configurable PowerDNS 4.x server with mysql backend (without mysql server). Image pdns-admin contains PowerDNS Admin web app, written in Flask, for managing PowerDNS servers. Pdns-admin is also completely configurable, running under uWSGI with nginx.


Docker image with PowerDNS 4.x server and mysql backend (without mysql server). For running, it needs external mysql server. Env vars for mysql configuration:

(name = default value)

PDNS_gmysql_host = mysql
PDNS_gmysql_port = 3306
PDNS_gmysql_user = root
PDNS_gmysql_password = powerdns
PDNS_gmysql_dbname = powerdns

If linked with official mariadb image with alias mysql, the connection can be automatically configured, so you don't need to specify any of the above. Also, DB is automatically initialized if tables are missing.

PowerDNS server is configurable via env vars. Every variable starting with PDNS_ will be inserted into /etc/pdns/pdns.conf conf file in the following way: prefix PDNS_ will be stripped and every _ will be replaced with -. For example, from above mysql config, PDNS_gmysql_host = mysql will became gmysql-host=mysql in /etc/pdns/pdns.conf file. This way, you can configure PowerDNS server any way you need within a docker run command.

There is also a SUPERMASTER_IPS env var supported, which can be used to configure supermasters for slave dns server. Docs. Multiple ip addresses separated by space should work.


Master server with API enabled and with one slave server configured:

docker run -d -p 53:53 -p 53:53/udp --name pdns-master \
  --hostname --link mariadb:mysql \
  -e PDNS_master=yes \
  -e PDNS_api=yes \
  -e PDNS_api_key=secret \
  -e PDNS_webserver=yes \
  -e PDNS_webserver_address= \
  -e PDNS_webserver_password=secret2 \
  -e PDNS_version_string=anonymous \
  -e PDNS_default_ttl=1500 \
  -e PDNS_soa_minimum_ttl=1200 \
  -e \
  -e \
  -e PDNS_allow_axfr_ips= \
  -e PDNS_only_notify= \

Slave server with supermaster:

docker run -d -p 53:53 -p 53:53/udp --name pdns-slave \
  --hostname --link mariadb:mysql \
  -e PDNS_gmysql_dbname=powerdnsslave \
  -e PDNS_slave=yes \
  -e PDNS_version_string=anonymous \
  -e PDNS_disable_axfr=yes \
  -e PDNS_allow_notify_from= \